
Monday’s Mix

Each Monday we present brief excerpts of recent posts from five of Canada’s award-winning legal blogs chosen at random* from forty-one recent Clawbie winners. In this way we hope to promote their work, with their permission, to as wide an audience as possible.

This week the randomly selected blogs are 1.  2. Slater Vecchio Connected  3. Rule of Law  4. Lee  5. Chaire en droit de la sécurité et des affaires électroniques
The interaction of the offset well and default clauses of an oil and gas lease
Case commented on: 1301905 Alberta Ltd. v Sword Energy Inc. 2013 ABQB 113. In this case the Court granted summary judgement for breach of the offset well obligation in an oil and gas lease. Assessment of damages was referred to a referee. Sword was the assignee of a petroleum and natural gas lease of the south half of section 15. The lease was in the 1991 CAPL form (information provided by counsel) and 1301905 Alberta Ltd. was the assignee of the lessor’s interest. Sword drilled a producing well on the lands in 2007. In January 2010, 1301905 Alberta Ltd. served a default notice on Sword alleging that Sword was in breach of the Offset Wells clause of the lease . . .

Slater Vecchio Connected
NFL Helmet Maker Loses Lawsuit Due to Lack of Warning
A Colorado jury has found NFL helmet maker Riddell negligent in failing to warn the public about the danger of concussions. The jury awarded $11.5 million to the student who sustained severe brain injuries during a high school football practice in 2008. Riddell was found responsible for 27 per cent of the damages, $3.1 million. The Globe and Mail reports that Rhett Ridolfi suffered a concussion during football practice . . .

Rule of Law
Sabey v. Beardsley
Dressage is sometimes referred to as horse ballet. It does appear to me that the horses are dancing. Here is a video of from the London 2012 Olympic Grand Prix Dressage I found on You Tube. It involves a high level of horse training, and a high level of skill by the dressage rider and trainer. Jesse Sabey became interested in dressage riding at a young age. He began riding at 12. He met Kim and Dietrich Hopffgarten, prominent dressage riders and trainers, a couple of years later after seeing them at a horse show. He lived in Washington State, and they lived across the border in British Columbia. He asked them to give him dressage riding lessons, and they did. After he graduated from high school, the Hopffgartens assisted in arranging for him to get a student position in a dressage facility in Germany. . . .

La Profession juridique en français en Ontario
Les Tendances de la profession juridique en français dans la Gazette du Barreau du Haut-Canada expose le défi des juristes de l’expression française en Ontario. . . .

Chaire en droit de la sécurité et des affaires électroniques
changer la loi canadienne en matière de vie privée
Le parlement canadien va avoir à étudier un projet de loi « privé » (C-475) (pdf) porté par Madame la députée Charmaine Borg, porte-parole des enjeux numériques pour le NPD. Comme le titre l’indique (Loi modifiant la Loi sur la protection des renseignements personnels et documents électroniques (pouvoir de rendre des ordonnances)), il s’agit d’envisager les aménagements qui pourraient être apportés à la loi actuelle, à savoir, la Loi sur la protection des renseignements personnels et les documents électroniques (LC 2000, c.5). Dans la mesure où celui-ci origine de la minorité et que la vie privée n’a pas été une priorité hautement affirmée par le Gouvernement actuel, nous ne nous prononcerons pas sur les chances de survie d’une telle initiative. . . .

*Randomness here is created by and its list randomizing function.

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