Introducing Legal Sourcery Blog

Welcome Legal Sourcery from the Law Society of Saskatchewan Library to the law blog scene. They are posting several times a week on ” legal research tricks, interesting legal research news and what’s happening at the Library.”

Today they explain the blog name:

Putting our heads together and thinking creatively, we took a vote and decided to call this blog Legal Sourcery. Legal Sourcery is the expertise and capability we bring to legal research. It represents the multitude of legal resources we provide and the skills we use to wade through these resources.

So far they have pointed out interesting items, CPD opportunities and updates on research tools. I look forward to seeing what else they come up with.

I notice comments are not obvious for individual blog posts–to see them or to add a comment, click on the blog post title and scroll down to the bottom.

Welcome Legal Sourcery!


  1. Melanie Hodges Neufeld

    Thanks for the mention!

  2. You are welcome, Melanie. Best of luck with it!