Articling Student Educational Activities
In Alberta, it is Education Week. Education Week was established to call attention to the importance of education and to show the public some of the good things that happen in Alberta schools. Using the confluence of Education Week and the start date of our law firm’s summer students, I am choosing to write about some upcoming training sessions for law students and those who ensure law students are office ready vis-a-vis legal research.
- May 13 – Research in the Real World – summer students – University of Calgary Law School (Slaw post)
- June 19-20 – Head Start – articling students – Edmonton Law Libraries Association (2014 details)
- August 15 – Head Start Ottawa – articling students – County of Carleton Law Association (event note)
- September 26 and October 2 – Articling Students Head Start Program – Toronto Lawyers Association (2014 details)
Are you looking at the list above and wishing there was a program in your jurisdiction? On June 17, the Canadian Association of Law Libraries is offering a webinar called “The SWOT of Law Library Head Start Programs”. Registration is opening soon.
Thanks for the shout out Shauna. We will indeed be reprising our Articling Student Head Start Program this year, but the date has been moved to August 27. The program is being revamped and we hope to have a Special Surprise Guest …. But I can say no more. More later!!