
Tips Tuesday

Here are excerpts from the most recent tips on SlawTips, the site that each week offers up useful advice, short and to the point, on technology, research and practice.


Make Your LinkedIn Presence Look More Professional With a Vanity URL
Dan Pinnington

When you create a profile on LinkedIn, the default URL LinkedIn creates for your profile page will end with a jumble of letters and numbers. Yuck!
You can make your profile look more professional and have a profile URL that is easier to remember and share by claiming your own LinkedIn vanity URL. . . .


Choose the Direct Link
Shaunna Mireau

When you are citing a web resource, provide the URL – the whole URL that links directly to the document you are referencing. What am I talking about? . . .


Use an Air Gap for Security
David Bilinsky

I have been giving a number of presentations lately that in part, deal with the (in)security of law firm systems. This is based on the findings of the Legal Technology Resource Center of the ABA (“LTRC”) . . .

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