
Monday’s Mix

Each Monday we present brief excerpts of recent posts from five of Canada’s award­-winning legal blogs chosen at random* from sixty recent Clawbie winners. In this way we hope to promote their work, with their permission, to as wide an audience as possible.

This week the randomly selected blogs are 1. FamilyLLB 2. Legal Feeds 3. Labour Pains 4. The Factum (formerly the ELAN Blog) 5. Michael Geist

FamilyLLB (Russell Alexander)
Wife Goes Back to School, Improves Income by 75% – Does Husband Get Support?

In a recent case called Regnier v. Regnier, the court considered a narrow issue: whether a wife’s decision during the marriage to go back to school automatically meant that the husband suffered financial disadvantage, for which he should be compensated by way of spousal support….

Legal Feeds
Gender identity discrimination now prohibited in Saskatchewan

This week, the Saskatchewan government amended its Human Rights Code to add gender identity as a prohibited ground of discrimination, joining the Northwest Territories, Ontario, Manitoba, Nova Scotia, P.E.I. and Newfoundland and Labrador in so doing. It also amended the code with respect to discriminating against gay and lesbian renters, and increased certain penalties….

Labour Pains
The Rita Hayworthing of Ontario’s Workplaces

For those who feel like their workplaces are already too much like a prison, May 20, 2015, will not be a happy day. For on that day the workplaces of Ontario will resemble Andy Dufresne’s prison cell at the fictions Shawshank State Prison….

The Factum (formerly the ELAN Blog)
International rugby — Innovating justice with the Netherlands

I’ve never played rugby. I once went to see a Six Nations game in the rain — and drank a mug of Bovril, which sounds weird, but when in Rome Scotland — but I can’t say that I understand the game. I also don’t understand what rugby has to do with software development, but they both have scrums. I recently spent a week in a scrum developing a roadmap for MyLawBC.

Michael Geist
Why Canada’s Communication Policy Misses the Forest for the Trees

The Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission wrapped up its third major hearing in as many months last week, focusing on the wholesale market for broadband Internet services. Coming on the heels of the earlier hearings on broadcast television regulation (the “TalkTV” hearing that was highlighted by a showdown with Netflix) and wholesale wireless services, the proceedings followed a familiar script….


*Randomness here is created by and its list randomizing function.

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