
Tips Tuesday

Here are excerpts from the most recent tips on SlawTips, the site that each week offers up useful advice, short and to the point, on technology, research and practice.


You Can Ignore “Low on Ink” Warnings on Inkjet Printers*
Dan Pinnington

All too frequently, we have all faced the frustrating “printer is low on ink” warning – usually when we are printing something urgent. Do you need to immediately change your cartridge? No. If, despite the low ink warning, you are still getting good quality print jobs (i.e., no fading or streaking), carry on printing….


Understand What You Are Asking For
Shaunna Mireau

I am having a wonderful time in Maui this week with my family. Today’s Tip is inspired by my Aunt Betty who reminded me that it is important that OTHER PEOPLE know what you are asking for. You may know that the Hawaiian language uses fewer letters than English. I confess to being completely baffled by local pronunciation. Betty, on the other hand has visited this beautiful part of the world several times, and has mastered the phonetic discrepancies that twist my tongue…


5 Tips on Marketing for Law Firms (Video)
Garry Wise

The world of marketing remains a bit of a mystery for many legal professionals. We know enough about it that many of us become do-it-ourselfers for our websites, blogs and even our branding. Nonetheless, there is much we can learn from true marketing professionals. To that end, I have the pleasure today of introducing the first in a series of videos on Marketing for Lawyers and Legal Professionals I’ve done with Sandra Bekhor of Bekhor Management and Toronto Marketing Blog. …

*Editor’s pick

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