Monday’s Mix
Each Monday we present brief excerpts of recent posts from five of Canada’s award-winning legal blogs chosen at random* from sixty recent Clawbie winners. In this way we hope to promote their work, with their permission, to as wide an audience as possible.
This week the randomly selected blogs are 1. Library Boy 2. Global Workplace Insider 3. National Blog 4. LSUC Treasurer’s Blog 5. À bon droit
Yesterday, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission released its findings after its years-long investigation into the over a century of abuses against Aboriginal children at Church-run Indian Residential Schools. …
Global Workplace Insider
Clear language trumps fairness: Be clear in collective agreements to avoid double dipping
A 7 year battle over a day of paid personal leave has finally reached a conclusion. The dispute centred around the interpretation of the collective bargaining agreement governing a unionized employee of the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). …
National Blog
Judge’s top 10 tips for litigators
Former Federal Court judge Judith Snider presented her top 10 tips for IP litigators at the Intellectual Property Law Section’s IP Day Thursday in Ottawa. Snider, who now works in arbitration and mediation with JAMS in Toronto gave a lunchtime keynote address replete with baseball analogies, and that’s where her list starts – with the pitch: …
LSUC Treasurer’s Blog
Mental health: breaking down stigma
Mental illness is not an issue that Type A problem solvers like lawyers and paralegals generally talk openly about, much less admit to having. The risk and fear of stigma prevent many from seeking help. …
À bon droit
Le caractère essentiel de la demeure en matière d’inexécution contractuelle
Vous le savez, sur À bon droit nous défendons les lettres de noblesse de la mise en demeure. Il s’agit en effet de beaucoup plus qu’une formalité dans plusieurs circonstances. La demeure est essentielle dans les affaires contractuelles, de sorte que lorsque la loi ou le contrat n’y prévoit pas expressément, la mise en demeure traditionnelle est de mise. …
*Randomness here is created by and its list randomizing function.
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