Monday’s Mix
Each Monday we present brief excerpts of recent posts from five of Canada’s award-winning legal blogs chosen at random* from more than 80 recent Clawbie winners. In this way we hope to promote their work, with their permission, to as wide an audience as possible.
This week the randomly selected blogs are 1. Risk Management & Crisis Response 2. SOQUIJ | Le Blogue 3. Michael Geist 4. Startup Source 5. Barry Sookman
Risk Management & Crisis Response
Canadian Federal Budget 2018 – Impact on financial sector
On February 27, 2018, the Canadian federal government introduced the 2018 federal budget (Budget 2018). The budget plan document includes a number of proposals that will impact the Canadian financial sector. The summary below highlights these proposals…
SOQUIJ | Le Blogue
Le droit de la travailleuse enceinte ou qui allaite de travailler dans un milieu sécuritaire
Le retrait préventif de la travailleuse enceinte ou qui allaite a d’abord pour but de permettre à la travailleuse de poursuivre ses activités professionnelles de façon sécuritaire. …
Michael Geist
The Case Against the Bell Coalition’s Website Blocking Plan, Part 13: It is Inconsistent With the CRTC Policy Direction
Having examined the foundational weaknesses of the Bell coalition’s website blocking plan (existing Canadian law, weak piracy evidence, limited impact) and its negative effects (lack of court orders, overblocking, ineffectiveness, violation of net neutrality, vulnerability on freedom of expression grounds, higher Internet costs, privacy risks), the case against the plan enters the final phase with several posts on how it fails to meet the requirements under the Telecommunications Act. …
Startup Source
Harnessing the Power of Ideas: The Hult Prize Challenge
For the first time since its inception in 2009, the social entrepreneurship driven Hult Prize is coming to Canada. The annual Hult Prize Challenge, which has been featured by TIME Magazine as one of the “Top 5 Ideas Changing the World,” welcomes university students from around the world to solve …
Barry Sookman
Kodi box add-on distributor loses copyright appeal: Bell v Adam Lackman dba TVADDONS.AG
Illegal streaming of TV and movie programming fueled by the sale of illicit streaming devices (ISDs) (such as fully loaded Kodi boxes) and websites that make available to the public software add-ons configured and marketed to facilitate receipt of pirate streams is a real problem in Canada. The most effective way of reducing this type of illegal streaming is by the use of website blocking, something the CRTC will have to consider in the FairPlay Canada website blocking application. …
*Randomness here is created by and its list randomizing function.
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