International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law

The 17th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law will take place in Montreal, Quebec this year June 17-21. Aptly the venue will be the Cyberjustice Laboratory at the Université de Montréal. This is a biennial conference organized by members of the International Association for Artificial Intelligence and Law.

The Cyberjustice Lab is international in scope and pursues a multidisciplinary approach, assembling “stakeholders, legal professionals, public actors and academics to rethink the justice system and both overcome its modern challenges as well as improve access to justice.” They investigate with a view that “technology, and especially AI, could offer the promise of redefining the judicial system’s limitations and increasing the autonomy of its stakeholders by empowering them to enforce their rights.”

Also taking place at the same time is the 3rd Workshop on Automated Detection, Extraction and Analysis of Semantic Information in Legal Texts and their call for papers for that workshop has recently been announced with a deadline of April 21.

I had the opportunity to attend both the the 15th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law and the 1st Workshop on Automated Detection, Extraction and Analysis of Semantic Information in Legal Texts [7] in San Diego, California in 2015 (which I wrote about in Slaw). It was fantastic collection of ideas and people and I would highly recommend it to anyone interested in legal tech and especially since it’s taking place so close to home this year.

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