Monday’s Mix
Each Monday we present brief excerpts of recent posts from five of Canada’s award-winning legal blogs chosen at random* from more than 80 recent Clawbie winners. In this way we hope to promote their work, with their permission, to as wide an audience as possible.
This week the randomly selected blogs are 1. Crossroads Law 2. Off the Shelf 3. Michael Geist 4. Le Blogue du CRL 5. Great LEXpectations
Crossroads Family Law Blog
B.C. Prenuptial Agreements: Worthless if Not Fair
One of the main concerns when drafting a prenuptial agreement or cohabitation agreement in British Columbia is the issue of fairness. This is because to be enforceable in British Columbia a prenuptial agreement must meet the test …
Off the Shelf
New Library Catalogue
Changes are coming to the library catalogue on December 10, 2019. The new catalogue will feature changes that will allow users to search library databases and electronic resources simultaneously across 13 Ontario university libraries….
Michael Geist
What is the Point of the Broadcast and Telecom Legislative Review if the Government Has Already Decided What It Intends To Do?
The Broadcast and Telecommunications Legislative Review Panel released its interim report – What We Heard – yesterday alongside the long-overdue release of the written submissions to the panel. The report doesn’t contain any surprises given that the various positions on key telecom and broadcast issues are well known. …
Le Blogue du CRL
Sélection SOQUIJ – Lacour c. Construction D.M. Turcotte TRO inc., 2019 QCCA 1023
PRESCRIPTION EXTINCTIVE : Contrairement au régime de responsabilité présumée en matière de vice de construction, la cristallisation d’un recours en responsabilité contractuelle ne survient pas lorsque le préjudice se manifeste pour la première fois de façon appréciable au sens de l’article 2926 C.C.Q., mais bien lorsque tous les éléments permettant d’intenter le recours sont connus ou pourraient être raisonnablement connus. …
Great LEXpectations
Ontario Courthouse Libraries Association App
Do you practice in Ontario? OCLA has created an app for information on 47 law libraries in the province and what resources they offer. If you’re travelling to Kenora, wouldn’t you like to know when the courthouse and the library are open before you get there? …
*Randomness here is created by and its list randomizing function.
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