
Conflict Resolution Professionals! Participate in CLEBC’s Virtual DR Conference Oct 29-30

Continuing Legal Education BC (CLEBC) is offering its annual Conflict Resolution Conference in an innovative virtual 24-hour format.

This is a great opportunity to learn from and with innovators from around the world who will share how the field is responding to COVID-19, increased calls for anti-oppression work within our systems, and the challenges of shifting our practices online. AND to do all this from the comfort of your home and at very affordable prices.

The conference site describes this unique approach:

“Participants will have the opportunity to learn about:

  • conflict resolution responses to the COVID-19 pandemic, including both new online programs and new best practices
  • applications of conflict resolution skills to anti-racism work, including the growing calls for (and development of) emergency response conflict resolution services as an alternative to policing
  • virtual applications of conflict resolution work, including tools such as avatars and role-playing games

The conference itself is designed to find the opportunities in the challenges of moving to an entirely online delivery format, including engagement with a much wider range of presenters than is possible in face-to-face conferences. The unique structure of this conference will allow participants to engage with presenters in real time or to view some panels (that might run live from another time zone) in recorded form in the days immediately after the conference.”

The conference will be broken into 3-hour blocks with hour-long rest breaks. All presentations are live but will be recorded (in case you choose to sleep!).

There are so many great topics but don’t miss the session at 5-8pm PST on Oct 29th focusing on “Implementing the Voice of Youth Experiencing Parental Separation” – hosted by the Youth Voices Initiative (BC Family Justice Innovation Lab). It will feature a conversation between four members of the Youth Voices leadership group and 3 family law professionals. (Click on the “agenda” tab for more information).

The Law Society of BC offers CPD credits of up to 18 hours (including a minimum of 2 hours of professional responsibility and ethics, client care and relations, and/or practice management).

Pricing is reasonable ($450 for the entire conference; $225 for students; and a special rate of $150 for the Youth Voices 3-hour block).

Finally, anyone who registers for the CLEBC conference by Oct. 15th has the option to make a proposal to share at the fabulous Mediate BC Unconference. Everyone who attends the CLEBC Conference can attend any part of the Unconference and the Unconference topics will appear as an extra stream running from 10am-5pm PST. There will be opportunities to mingle in some different formats during breaks in the Conference, a hosted Zoom break-out mingle at lunchtime, and a “house party” in Hi Fidelity at the end of the afternoon.

We look forward to seeing you there!

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