Adieu, Adieu, Adieu, Le Fax Machine

Your time has come,
Dear Fax Machine,
Though your reign lasted long.

We were first introduced,
In That Me Decade,
Singing your shrilling song.

It took a plague,
For learned counsel,
To break their solemn vow.

No longer can we wait,
To gain word from work,
We need it, here and now.

Though you believe your brother,
To be the cause,
Of your final demise.

Reality is that technology,
Has found better ways,
Much to all our surprise.

Thy Impaired kin,
May seem to be,
A poor heir to your legacy,

A band that is broad,
And hearth that is close,
Surely instils jealousy.

Many held on with fealty,
Faxing all correspondence,
Despite your greying hairs.

But when your words begin to fade,
The LSO starts to say,
We must arrange our affairs.

Their oaths were untrue,
Many would confess,
As they adhered in form alone,

Converted to PDF,
Sent through email,
And even received on my phone.

We lay you to rest,
And request to admit,
Your truth has been replaced,

But not alone,
As the telegram,
Also joins your resting place.

Adieu, Adieu, Adieu,
Le Fax Machine,
We say this with a sigh,

For now the cock does crow,
A new day is announced,
And your time is nigh.

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