
Monday’s Mix

Each Monday we present brief excerpts of recent posts from five of Canada’s award­-winning legal blogs chosen at random* from more than 80 recent Clawbie winners. In this way we hope to promote their work, with their permission, to as wide an audience as possible.

This week the randomly selected blogs are 1. The Docket  2. Le Blogue du CRL 3. BC Provincial Court eNews 4. The Lean Law Firm 5. À bon droit

The Docket
Prosecuting the Victim

I have never been so mad. So mad that I might have forgot to turn on the mic, so apologies if the recording quality is a bit meh. Why so mad? An Ontario woman, who was the victim of a sexual assault, was arrested and prosecuted for violating a court order publication ban designed to protect her. Her crime? She emailed a copy of the court decision to a few friends and family members. Now she is a victim with a criminal record. …

Le Blogue du CRL
Sélection SOQUIJ – Collège des médecins du Québec c. Limoges, 2021 QCCQ 1874

PROFESSIONS : Les défendeurs — Maison Jacynthe inc., Actumus inc. et un naturopathe — sont déclarés coupables d’avoir agi de manière à donner lieu de croire qu’ils étaient autorisés à exercer la médecine, en violation de l’article 32 2021EXP-1001 Juridiction : Cour du Québec, Chambre criminelle et pénale (C.Q.), Montréal Décision de : Juge Nathalie Duchesneau Date …

BC Provincial Court eNews
The community’s role in the criminal justice system

In medieval times, sentences for crimes in England could include whipping, hanging, burning at the stake, or being drawn through city streets and decapitated. These sentences were, by intent, gruesome public spectacles. The community’s role was to watch and be deterred from committing crimes. …

The Lean Law Firm
Make a Good First Impression With Your Intake Process

Does your intake process make a good impression on your clients? It’s your client’s first experience with your firm, and it’s where you gather the critical information that allows you to qualify your clients, check conflicts, and build an accurate client file. Get it right, and you get the right clients, the right information, and a smooth process for everyone. Get it wrong and you’ll make a poor first impression that costs you time, money, and business. …

À bon droit
La Cour supérieure rappelle que – dans le cadre d’une demande en forum non conveniens – il faut désigner un autre tribunal qui est clairement mieux placé pour trancher le litige

Il y a plus de 8 ans(!), nous attirions votre attention sur la nécessité – dans le cadre d’une demande en forum non conveniens – de non seulement identifier un tribunal étranger qui est clairement mieux placé pour trancher le litige, mais également de faire la preuve sommaire du fait qu’il aurait compétence pour se saisir de l’affaire. …


*Randomness here is created by and its list randomizing function.

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