Monday’s Mix
Each Monday we present brief excerpts of recent posts from five of Canada’s award-winning legal blogs chosen at random* from more than 80 recent Clawbie winners. In this way we hope to promote their work, with their permission, to as wide an audience as possible.
This week the randomly selected blogs are 1. Susan On The Soapbox 2. Eloise Gratton 3. Lawyer Life Podcast 4. Attorney with a Life 5. Ontario Condo Law Blog
Susan On The Soapbox
Kenney and the Autocrat’s Handbook
The Alberta Legislature ended the 2021 Spring Session on a particularly disturbing note. Members of the Opposition asked Jason Kenney to apologize for his role in pushing the niqab ban, a policy that contributed to growing Islamophobia, while he was a federal cabinet minister. …
Eloise Gratton
Mon TEDx: Comment protéger notre vie privée ?
C’est avec beaucoup de fierté que je prends un moment pour partager mon TEDx qui est maintenant disponible en ligne. La vie privée n’a rien de nouveau. Alors pourquoi y a-t-il tant de scandales liés à la vie privée rapportés dans les médias ces dernières années? Je discute de la complexité à protéger la vie privée avec des lois – un sujet qui me passionne! …
Lawyer Life Podcast
The Problem With “Hacking It”
Darlene and Mike discuss whether ‘hacking it’ should be the goal, or whether it can actually be a sign of strength to choose another path. PLUS: Darlene hates cakes, Mike (desperately) offers his Alvin and the Chipmunks impression, and is Mike’s obsession with his grass contagious? …
Attorney with a Life
Redirecting your Path from Languishing to Flourishing
Thanks to Adam Grant’s May 2020 article in the New York Times, we now have a word to describe this malaise many of us are experiencing – Languishing. “Languishing is a sense of stagnation and emptiness. It feels as if you’re muddling through your days, looking at your life through a foggy windshield. And it might be the dominant emotion of 2021.” …
Ontario Condo Law Blog
Standard Unit By-law Upgrades
GMA is proud of our comprehensive Standard Unit By-law (“SUBL”) and streamlined processing arrangements. Our SUBL precedent has recently evolved. We have buttressed its existing strict liability insurance deductible provision by specifically defining circumstances where an owner is liable for a water leak, fire or other “act or omission” perils, in case the government proclaims the proposed amendments to s. 105 of the Condo Act. …
*Randomness here is created by and its list randomizing function.
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