Canada’s online legal magazine.

About John Gregory

John D. Gregory is an Ontario lawyer called in 1977, with a special interest in what happens to the law when you take the paper away. He retired in mid-2016 from his position in civil justice law reform at the Ministry of the Attorney General, but his Slawian opinions are not and never were necessarily those of the Ministry.

Posts by John Gregory

Devices Gone Wild

Is the Blockchain Too Expensive?

Videos With Fake Faces – What Legal Remedy?

Student Access to the Exams They Have Written

Electronic Wills Down Under and Closer to Home

Reliable Electronic Transferable Records

Crossing Borders With Digital Devices

Proprietary Algorithms for Public Purposes

May Lawyers Accept Payment in Bitcoin?

“Verifiable” E-Signatures

Data From Pacemaker Used in Prosecution

Ending the Signature Fetish?

Internet of Things Security by Contract?

Measuring “Serious Harm” in a Data Breach

Smart Contracts?