Canada’s online legal magazine.

About F. Tim Knight

F. Tim Knight is Associate Librarian and Head of Technical Services at the Osgoode Hall Law School Library, York University. He has been a cataloguing librarian and metadata specialist since the early 1990's working previously at the Great Library (Law Society of Upper Canada) and the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education.

Tim has been actively involved with the Canadian Association of Law Libraries (CALL/ACBD) for many years. He co-chairs the Access Services & Resource Sharing SIG and represents CALL/ACBD on the Canadian Cataloguing Committee at the Library and Archives Canada. He is the chair of the KF Modified Committee and editor of KF Modified: KF Classification Modified for Use in Canadian and Common Law Libraries.

His current research interests include: linked data; metadata applications; classification; cataloguing; and, when time allows, he writes and plays a little music here and there. He recently developed and taught an introductory course on Metadata and Metadata Applications for Mohawk College in Hamilton where he has also taught Cataloguing Electronic and Internet Resources.

Posts by F. Tim Knight

Is Digitization Preservation?

Copyright, Author Rights and Open Access

Lex Machina: Bringing Analytics to Law

Disruptive Innovation Revisited

First Machine Learning Course for Law Students


Open Source Digital Forensics

These Four Skills Not Just for Programmers

IBM’s Watson Is in Town!

Digging Into Linked Parliamentary Data Project

8 Legal Tech CEOs Talk About Their Work

Elementary My Dear Watson …?

LODLAM Training Day Videos Available