New Website – New Governor General of Canada

New Governer General of Canada, Her Excellency the Right Honourable Michaelle Jean

A new website has been released for the new Governor General of Canada, Her Excellency the Right Honourable Michaelle Jean. The statement on her home page:

I am eagerly looking forward to meeting my fellow-Canadians very soon. I am convinced that Canada will continue to accomplish great things if we work together for a better quality of life–for our own population and for humanity. Our country is vast and it is blessed with a wealth of colours and the varied music of its tongues and accents. Many have not had the good fortune of measuring its full extent. I know how privileged I am. And knowing it makes me impatient and eager to meet you and to begin the dialogue that I consider to be the founding principle of this country.

There is not a lot of content yet as she has just been instated to the post, however there is an e-mail distribution list for anyone interested in being notified of any G.G. news.


  1. What’s needed on her site, among other things, are links to constitutional documents and analyses that relate to her role in governing Canada and make it intelligible to citizens.

    Maybe we here at Slaw could put together a package of such documents or links and send them to her for inclusion. (Does her office have counsel? It must. Who is it?)

  2. No Counsel. Constitutionally would rely on Justice and PCO for advice.

    For posting try:

    Frédérique Tsai-Klassen

    Chief, Information and Media Services

    Office of the Secretary to the Governor General
    Information and Media Services

    1 Sussex Drive

    Ottawa, Ontario

    K1A 0A1

    (613) 993-8158
    (613) 998-1664


    David Perkins

    Electronic Publishing Advisor

    Office of the Secretary to the Governor General
    Information and Media Services

    1 Sussex Drive

    Ottawa, Ontario

    K1A 0A1

    (613) 990-2601
    (613) 998-8760

  3. Perhaps starting by submitting the suggestion would do? I expect the Library of Parliament would already have this material gathered together in some format, at least for internal use by Members of Parliament. This is what they have for the public: “Inside Canada’s Parliament – The Institutions”.

  4. Where is Eugene Forsey when he’s needed?

  5. It looks like the spirit of Eugene Forsey still lingers on the Library of Parliament webpages. See this “welcome” note:

    Senator Eugene Forsey wanted us to know how government works in Canada for one very simple reason — there is nothing Canadians do in any given day that is not affected by how we govern ourselves. As he says inside this booklet: “We cannot work or eat or drink; we cannot buy or sell or own anything; we cannot go to a ball game or a hockey game or watch TV without feeling the effects of government. We cannot marry or educate our children, cannot be sick, born or buried without the hand of government somewhere intervening.�

    Through this lively and readable document, Senator Forsey has helped tens of thousands of students, teachers, legislators and ordinary citizens in Canada and around the world understand the Canadian system of government.