Indefatigable — Sabrina Pacifici

Sabrina Pacifici, editor and publisher of legal research e-zine and blog beSpacific is the subject of an article in the Library Journal, “Indefatigable – Sabrina Pacifici” (March 15, 2006).

I have had the extreme pleasure of getting to know Sabrina over the last several months, and can vouch for the assertion that she does all these projects in her spare time, getting little sleep. On a personal basis, she has been an inspiration, and has given me an immense amount of moral support and encouragement.

She is speaking at the Computers in Libraries conference coming up later this month, March 22-24, 2006, in Washington, D.C.:

In addition, she and I will be co-presenting a pre-conference workshop on blogging for the enterprise at this year’s Special Libraries Association conference in Baltimore, June 10, 2006.

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