Digital Paper

This to Slaw from Sharon Wang, a new reference librarian at Osgoode Hall Law School:

How many of us read the printed newspapers everyday and how many read the electronic ones only? Although I prefer to read the E versions, I do not have choices when I’m away from my computer. The good news is we may soon be able to read newspapers through “cheap digital screens that can be rolled up and stuffed into a back pocket”. According to the Epoch Times, this new form of electronic newspaper is just around the corner. Developed by Sony Corp. and iRex, this new energy saving star, with its sharp resolution, has impressed some of the top newspaper publishers in the world. The screen works in a similar way to MP3 players. It does not need to have internet connections. All that needs to be done is simply to connect the screen to a computer and download the newspaper; readers can then take it with them everywhere to read it. Since it’s cheap, it is expected to largely substitute for the printed paper.

It sounds quite exciting. I look forward to its arrival.


  1. I just held one of those iRex readers in my hands this morning, and it’s way cool. One of the exhibitors at the CALI Conference for Law School Computing is planning to market electronic casebooks using these devices. I want one!

  2. Oh Lord, you mean they’re real?! Now I’ll have to get one, too.

  3. Ah – has been uploading papers to my Palm these last three years. Not quite the same look and feel, but all I want is the up-to-the-minute goods

  4. But, but, I will miss the ink that makes my hands all grubby and makes me sneeze! Electronic newspapers? Bah! Humbug!
