Intellectual Property Research Guide

Sharon Wang, Reference Librarian at Osgoode Hall Law School, has asked me to tell you that she has completed a draft of a research guide to intellectual property law and would very much appreciate your comments by email or via comments here.

The guide is available in MS Word format and pdf.


  1. Missing Fox’s other work, and Nimmer on Copyright, which is the standard work. And I would quibble about the annotated statutes. Would descro0be the coverage of the CPRs in more detail and how they differ from the CIPRs. One would also have expected a minor reference to the Fleet Street Reports which still include Commonwealth cases.
    And I’m a little surprised that a 2006 Guide wouldn’t have included some blog references like

  2. Thanks Simon C. for the valuable comments! I’m new in the profession so it’s really great to hear some experts’ oppinion! I didn’t include coz i wanted to focus only on Canadian jurisdiction… I tried to make it brief so that readers won’t lose their patience:-) But I’ll certainly re-consider!
    Thanks again!