Avoice Online Library

The Congressional Black Caucus Foundation, along with Dell, Howard University, and the University of Texas Libraries, just launched the online library Avoice that features primary documents related to the contributions of African-Americans who have served in the US Senate and House since the 1870s.

You can access virtual exhibits (containing legislation, photos, debates, timelines) chronicling black lawmakers’ efforts related to the Voting Rights Act, Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday Bill, the dismantling of the apartheid system in South Africa, and the formation of the Congressional Black Caucus.

The University of Texas Libraries digitized Congressional Black Caucus records (photos, speeches, political documents, video) from Howard University’s Moorland-Spingarn Research Centre. These materials were collected from individual members of Congress and other colleges and universities in partnership with Howard University.


  1. Thanks for taking note of this unique and worthwhile project!