RSS in Law Firms

Slaw’s own Steve Matthews has hit on a winner with the post Top 10 Uses for RSS in Law Firms on his blog. Here is the quick list, and I encourage you to visit the original post for the full discussion:

Top 10 Uses for RSS in Law Firms

1) Current Awareness
2) RSS for Firm Marketing
3) Vanity Feeds
4) Internal Research Collections
5) Client Press
6) Feeding on Marketing Content for KM
7) Case Law & Legislative Changes
8) Aggregated Tagging
9) RSS Republishing
10) Feed Mixing & Filtering for Subject Collections

Very smart. I feel like I have only scratched the surface myself and look forward to trying more of these out. Steve has garnered a fair bit of attention with this post, including an endorsement by the Shifted Librarian, Jenny Levine.

Way to go, Steve!


  1. To share the blame, along with Jenny Levine, Dave Winer’s one liner has triggered an avalanche. Even put it on the popular page for a couple of hours. I’m completely blown away!