The Friday Fillip

Behold, a woman of letters:


Thanks to ASCII-O-Matic, you can take a photo (dimensions 60 pixels wide and 50 pixels high; jpeg format) and have it converted into an image formed of ASCII characters. The thing will even kick out an HTML file that, when you use “view source,” shows you every cell in the table and all of the formatting — if that’s your sort of thing.

connie_blocks.jpgIn case you think that Slawyer Connie Crosby would look better pixelated done in squares, I’ve caused ASCII-O-Matic to create a version in that form too. The thumbnail here is linked to a larger version.

simon_blocks.jpgAs soon as I saw it worked after testing it on Connie, I naturally made a couple of myself, only one of which I’ll tax you with here. That done, I soon grew bored and so have no other photos of Slawyers to show you in this format. I will, however, take orders to make you one for your c.v. And you “do-it-yourself-ers” be my guest and treat yourself to minutes of harmless amusement as you yourself turn pics into picas.


  1. LOL!!! This is up there with Kathryn Greenhill’s blog post as one of my all-time favourites–

  2. Eeek!!! Just kidding. ;-)