
webwag.pngIf you’re interested in start pages, you might take a look at Webwag, a recent entry into the market from the former Google guy in France, Franck Poisson. I found it to be quickly responsive, when adding new feeds, easy to move things around in, and appealing enough to look at. One feature I like — which may be available on other start pages, too — is the ability to go to a web page, frame a portion, and from that portion alone create a widget in Webwag. See in the image here (click to enlarge), for example, the widget created in this way of the recent comments on slaw. Mousing over RSS entries brings up a little window with the first fifty or so words.

Webwag is clearly aiming for the mobile market, a place I’m not likely to be found, having become a wifi person with my iPod Touch. You can create widgets from your various Webwag creations that can then be “mobilized” as it were, and synced, too, apparently.

Don’t like the name. I’ve I were Poisson I doubt I could have resisted the urge to call it simply Fish.

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