Apple Keynote 2008

Okay Mac fanboys and -girls — and you wannabes (you three others can go back to work): the broadcast of Steve Job’s Macworld 2008 Keynote starts today at 9 AM PST (12PM EST). Nothing spectacular this year, so the betting goes. But we’re looking for a sub-notebook, which should raise some interest out there in the world of laptop schleppers like us. There’ll likely be an announcement about renting movies via iTunes, but that won’t be of interest because we won’t be able to get on board here in Canada. (No Netflix, no Amazon movie rental, no Google Grand Central — hell, not even the old hat iPhone — here in the peace, order and order North. But I digress.)

Tune in either live or to the archive, if only to see one of the most effective advertising tools of the last decade.

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