A Judge From Down East

pillar_shadowed.jpgDalhousie law prof, Philip Gerard, has an enjoyable piece on The Court today in which he shades his eyes and does a tour d’horizon in search of a replacement for Justice Bastarache.

Herewith an excerpt to whet your appetite:

That leaves Nova Scotia, but it has to be said in all honesty that the province is not bursting with Supreme Court-calibre talent at the moment. Don’t get me wrong: there are lots of highly competent and professional judges sitting on the Nova Scotia bench. But the bar for the Supreme Court is higher than that. If you are looking for someone with the vision of Justice Bastarache himself, the deep humanity of Gerald La Forest, the literary eloquence of Ian Binnie, the analytical sharpness of Beverley McLachlin, or the high intelligence of Louis LeBel, there are really only two names that come to mind.

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