New Canadian Book on Email Law

I’m surprised it has taken so long for a Canadian book on the law of something so ubiquitous, email. Lexis Nexis Canada has released the new title E-mail Law by Charles Morgan and Julien Saulgrain, both of McCarthy Tétrault, and General Editor Dr. Sunny Handa. The description of this 188 page book is given here in the Butterworths catalogue. From the McCarthy Tétrault press release (Oct. 24/08):

It includes systematic analyses of current and upcoming trends, cutting-edge information on e-contracts, spam, e-mail monitoring, document retention, and e-mail as evidence.

Designed for legal counsel, human resource professionals and business leaders, E-mail Law draws upon Canadian and US precedents, legislation, policy documents and years of practical experience in the field.

Table of Contents summary (more detail available from the book description):

Chapter 1: Contract Formation via E-mail
Chapter 2: Spam
Chapter 3: E-mail Monitoring
Chapter 4: Document Retention
Chapter 5: E-mail as Evidence

If anyone purchases this for your book collection, I am curious to know if this also covers the subject of mass distribution of email (legitimate, not spam) and opt-in/opt-out issues.


  1. While the spam chapter (chap. 2) deals mostly will illegitimate spam, the book contains a description of the U.S. CAN-SPAM legislation which imposes certain obligations on commercial e-mailers in order for their e-mails not to be regarded as spam – one may think that if a Canadian based company follows the US CAN-SPAM rules, it would likely be compliant with Canadian laws. Also, in the conclusion of this chapter, the authors give certain recommendations with respect to legitimate e-mail marketing practices. There may be more than that in the rest of the book.

  2. Terrific–thanks kindly, Gordon. Some businesses may therefore find this a useful reference.