Ontario Ombudsman on Twitter

The Ontario Ombudsman — office of, one presumes — is now on Twitter: http://twitter.com/Ont_Ombudsman

It’ll be interesting to see how this organization uses the tool. The ratio of @ private replies to useful content is running just a trifle high for my taste. There’s got to be a way to exclude these cryptic messages from a stream.


  1. Thank you for getting the word out! The account is maintained by Communications, and feedback like this is truly priceless. This is a good time to let us know what kind of info you and slaw.ca readers would like to see more of, as we are looking for ways to balance @ replies with more useful content.

  2. On the other hand, I don’t like to see an agency just push out links to press releases or other messaging. The @ replies are discussions with real people, so not a bad idea in and of themselves. It means they are engaging with people. It is great to see an ombudsman become even more accessible in this way.