International Criminal Court Legal Tools and Database

The International Criminal Court (ICC) has published on the web a set of “Legal Tools” for use by members of the public:

They equip users with legal information, commentaries and an application to work more effectively with core international crimes cases (involving war crimes, crimes against humanity or genocide). The Tools serve as an electronic library on international criminal law and justice. They comprise at present over 40,000 documents in several databases (the “Legal Tools Database”), together with four legal research and reference tools developed by lawyers with expertise in international criminal law and justice: the Case Matrix, the Elements Commentary, the Proceedings Commentary and the Means of Proof Document.

The following ICC documents are included in the database:

The Rome Statute;
The Rules of Procedure and Evidence;
The Elements of Crimes;
The Regulations of the Court;
The Regulations of the Registry;
The Code of Professional Conduct for counsel;
The Code of Judicial Ethics;
The Staff Regulations;
The Financial Regulations and Rules;
The Agreement on the Privileges and Immunities of the International Criminal Court;
Agreement between the International Criminal Court and the United Nations;
The Headquarters Agreement with the Host State;
Any other material as decided by the Presidency in consultation with the Prosecutor and/or the Registrar.

To gain access to the tools and the database, one must agree to certain terms and conditions of use.

[hat tip: Bill Dimitroff]

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