New Educause Review

Educause is an interesting organization, with relevance for anyone working in or near a law school:

EDUCAUSE is a nonprofit association whose mission is to advance higher education by promoting the intelligent use of information technology. EDUCAUSE helps those who lead, manage, and use information resources to shape strategic decisions at every level.

Educause Review always contains interesting articles, and the new edition is no exception. Richard N. Katz’s Scholars, Scholarship, and the Scholarly Enterprise in the Digital Age looks informative. Also in this issue: Lawrence Lessig on Copyright (I thought he quit that beat), and Larry Sanger on knowledge in the internet age:

Three current strands of thought regarding memorization, individual learning, and books have led to a profound mistake: the idea that the tools of the Internet can replace the effortful, careful development of the individual mind—the sort of development that is fostered by a solid liberal arts education.

Good weekend reading!

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