Announcing My New Legal Research and Writing Website

In conjunction with the launch last week by Irwin Law of the new, third edition of my book with them called Legal Research and Writing, I am pleased to announce the launch of a companion website called:

The site contains links to all of the major URLs listed in the book (and more) as well as providing basic information about legal research and writing.

I hope to continue to develop the site over time and to possibly include an “updates” section on the site containing any major updates on new cases or other information contained in the book. There are sections covering secondary legal resources (books, law journals, CLE papers, encyclopedias, case digests, reference tools, law blogs and news) and primary legal resources (case law and legislation), along with links for international law, foreign law, governments, law-related organizations, legal writing and legal citation.

The site also contains an updated version of my law-related movies information, something I will blog on in more detail in a separate post.

I welcome comments on the site and suggestions for improvements or additional links.

My thanks to Irwin Law for encouraging development of this site.

I understand that has arranged for a book review of the new edition of my book (along with book reviews of some other forthcoming legal research titles).

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