Happy 25th Birthday Canadian Encyclopedia

The Canadian Encyclopedia is 25 years old (plus one month). Wow! It seems like it wasn’t that long ago that my parents drove to the post office to pick up our copy of this 3 volume set.

There is a nice history of the development and release of the work which has evolved and is now a free, bilingual, fully searchable online resource.

The full text of The Canadian Encyclopedia and its related resources has been made available online by the Historica Foundation as a public service since 1999. Since its publication in book form in 1985, The Canadian Encyclopedia has provided the most comprehensive, objective and accurate source of information on Canada for students, readers and scholars across Canada and throughout the world. As a first source for information on all Canadian topics The Canadian Encyclopedia has continued to grow through several iterations in print and on CD-ROM, culminating in this online version published by the Historica Foundation.

They are throwing a party to celebrate with Mel Hurtig, publisher in Ottawa on Wednesday night.

What an excellent thing to celebrate.

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