Law Like an Egyptian II

I am unsure what it says about the situation on the ground in Egypt but it seems that some government websites are coming back online, including the Constitution. Of interest in that document are a few articles which stipulate time-lines to be followed in choosing a new president, which is a bit of a sticky wicket, simply put most doubt that the timelines stipulated could be met coming out of the events of the past few weeks. In particular article 78 states:

Art.78: The procedures for the choice of a new President of the Republic shall begin sixty days before the expiration of the term of the President in office. The new President shall be selected at least one week before the expiration of the term. Should this term expire without the choice of a new President for whatever reason, the former President shall continue to exercise his functions until his successor is elected.

In addition the State Information System (government portal) is up again and of interest here is information regarding the Judiciary; however, be prepared for 404 errors or non-responsive sites as you move throughout the portal.

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