
Tips Tuesday

Here are excerpts from the most recent tips on SlawTips, the site that each week offers up useful advice, short and to the point, on technology, research and practice.


How to Untag Yourself on Facebook (And Why You Might Want To)
Dan Pinnington

Have you ever been tagged in a picture or post on Facebook? If you have a Facebook account, the answer to this question is likely yes. And don’t feel comforted if you aren’t on Facebook: Anyone can be tagged in a photo, even someone who doesn’t have a Facebook account.

Given the nature of Facebook, a tagged photo or status update can easily reach a very large number of people. Being tagged in a way that portrays you in a positive or neutral way is likely not a problem for most people. However, being tagged in an unflattering photo or post will at least be embarrassing, and at worst, it could seriously damage your reputation or relationships. . . .


Check for Coming Into Force
Shaunna Mireau

I was looking at the Interest Act (Canada) recently which reminded me to remind Tips readers to look carefully and closely at coming in to force information when researching legislation.

The research trail at the bottom of a section will tell you amendments to that section that are in force for federal legislation. . . .


Pull Together a Virtual Team Plan
David Bilinsky & Laura Calloway

Do things really change? Today’s solo lawyer is not much different from yesteryear’s. A characteristic of most solo lawyers (“legal rebel”?) over the years is their strong desire to retain their fierce independence.

One thing that has changed is that today’s legal rebel does recognize that the power of the Internet means that they no longer have to be alone. Courtesy of new collaborative tools, legal rebels can bring people together into virtual teams and practice in ways never before possible as a solo. . . .

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