Nominations Open for 2013 Clawbies

clawbies2012.Each year on December 1st we open up for “nomination season”, a month long process where online participants can highlight some of their favourite voices within the Canadian legal blogosphere.

This past Sunday we were pleased to carry forward that tradition once again – unbelievably for the 8th time! The website theme and award badges got their annual facelift, and the announcement post went live at 9:00 am eastern/6:00 pacific.

A handful of days later, and I’m happy to share our annual “good will project” is off to a great start (and not just Erik Magraken, who now famously releases his nominations just minutes after the announcement). Yes, we already have a handful of blog posts and a bunch more social media shares – which, of course, is where all the fun is! It’s a fascinating exercise to watch as bloggers recognize their peers, and for lurking readers to reach out to their blogging colleagues and pat them on the back!

If you’re interested in being involved, please do read the rules first. It’s all very simple. Well, except for rule #1 (which gets broken each year ): don’t nominate yourself!

Once again, I’m thankful and pleased to have friends Jordan Furlong and Simon Fodden join me on the judging panel, as we move closer to announcing the winners on New Year’s Eve.

Please link on over and read the post. In no order of importance, it references: a Roomba, animated gifs, Wallace Shawn, Richard Susskind, and a prediction for People magazine’s Sexiest Man Alive (not Richard Susskind). The Clawbies are… uh… not losing their “fun” factor. :)

Please help us spread the word!


  1. This is an exciting time again to witness Erik Magraken’s win . As no Legal Law Blog has yet to equal his. Let’s wait and see.Best of luck to all the other nominees.Happy New Year!