The Best Things I Read in January 2015

Information overload! There are just too many posts, tweets and articles flying around in the Twitterverse and elsewhere on social media and the Web. None of us can even pretend keep up. And while there is a lot of spam, self-promotional crap and other junk out there, there are mustreadssome real gems that get lost in the sheer volume of content thrown at us on a daily basis. The trick is finding the content that is really interesting or helpful to you in a practical way. Patience is required, hashtags and a bit of luck can help, and identifying good sources of on topics you like can be very effective.
Thought I would try tracking the better things I read (AKA these are the ones I stashed away in my Evernote for future reference) and share a “best of reading list” of ten or so items each month. The list reflects my interests: Anything and everything technology, topics related to the practice of law, photography, media and publishing, live music and sound, usability and design, and whatever else strikes my fancy. So you if you are looking for some Sunday reading on any of these topics, these are worth some of your time (in no particular order):

If some of the above article struck your fancy, you can see all my Twitter Favorites here.

Happy reading and enjoy!


  1. Great Resource. With your permission, I’ll be tweeting this and future posts out to our @TLAVoice followers; in case they’re looking for inspiration on a Sunday morning.