.sucks TLD Sunrise Period Starts March 30

New TLDs (top level domains) continue to become live. There are hundreds to choose from. Gone is the day that there were only a handful, and a business could tie them all up for their corporate name and brands.

Also gone is the day that they are all inexpensive. Some of the new TLDs command a premium price. A .lawyer TLD, for example, costs US$6500. A .guru domain is a bargain at US$29.

This Yahoo article talks about the .sucks TLD, which will be in the sunrise period on March 30, and generally available 60 days later. Some think brands should pay the US$2500 to secure their brand.sucks domain name to keep it out of the hands of others, while some think that’s a waste of time and money.

Most of the new TLDs would be irrelevant to businesses that are not in the niche intended for the TLD, such as .vacations or .guitars. But others, such as .sucks or .help are more generic and could be used by almost anyone. Businesses and celebrities have obtained their own names for TLDs that could be used for purposes that could be derogatory or contrary to their image simply to park them and prevent their use. And there might be merit in getting ones like brand.help for one’s own use.

But there is a limit to what makes sense and what is affordable.






  1. Do you suppose the Law Society would have any issues with the economical lawyer who practised with the domain [name].guru? Is that holding oneself out as having special perceptiveness as a practitioner (not a specialty area of practice) or just as personally empathetic in a good-for-client way?