Some Law Firm Security Statistics From the 2015 ABA Legal Tech Survey

The 2015 ABA Technology Survey has been released, and Frank Strong at Business of Law blog has reviewed the 900-plus pages to see what it had to say about the state of law firm security.

Here are some of the findings that stood out:

  • the number of firms reporting a security breach has remained consistent (about 15%), but at the same time 23% of firms say they ‘don’t know’
  • there was a small increase in the firms reporting that security breaches “created downtime or loss of billable hours” (30%)
  • only 10% to 13% of firms have cyber liability insurance coverage

This survey follows another useful cybersecurity survey of 50 law firms done by Marsh USA back in January.

Law firms wishing to learn more about the dangers of cybercrime and the steps they should be taking to prevent breaches should read Cybercrime and Law Firms: The Risks and Dangers Are Real , Protecting Yourself from Cybercrime Dangers: The Steps You Need to Take, and Other cyber risk insurance options: Do you have the coverage you need?

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