
Monday’s Mix

Each Monday we present brief excerpts of recent posts from five of Canada’s award­-winning legal blogs chosen at random* from seventy recent Clawbie winners. In this way we hope to promote their work, with their permission, to as wide an audience as possible.

This week the randomly selected blogs are 1.  2. Clicklaw Blog 3. IPilogue  4. Susan on the Soapbox  5. BC Injury Law and ICBC Claims Blog
Bitcoin, Chaine de blocs et contrats intelligents

Il a toujours été communément admis que le monde changeait. Toutefois, ces changements arrivent plus ou moins vite, avec un impact plus ou moins grand. En ce qui concerne les nouvelles technologies, trois grands changements sont sur le point de bouleverser le monde tel que nous le connaissons : les robots (que ce soit le gentil Wall-E, la voiture autonome ou encore les terrifiants drones tueurs autonomes), l’imprimante 3D (qui permet à tout un chacun de se passer des grosses industries et de la production de masse pour subvenir à ses propres besoins matériels) et enfin la chaine de blocs issue du Bitcoin et toutes les utilisations et innovations qui en découlent. …

Clicklaw Blog
Residential Tenancy Rights: Where to go for help?

The BC housing crisis has been fairly well documented in the news as of late and its ripple effect on subsidized housing is slowly rearing its ugly head. BC’s most vulnerable tenants are those hit the hardest by this trend.It is commonly known that BC’s social housing providers are not able to keep up with the demand. As a result, many low-income tenants seek accommodation through private landlords in basement suites and split houses to cover the shortfall of available housing. …

Fashionable Rip-Offs: Independent Artists Accuse Fashion Giant Zara of Copying Their Work

A lot of fashion seems to look the same; such is the nature of trends and functionality. Sometimes the similarities go much further. Fashion behemoth Zara (among others) is no stranger to accusations it copied other designers’ styles. The company is in that spotlight again: this time thanks to assertions that it blatantly ripped off several independent artists’ designs, without any acknowledgement of their work. …

Susan on the Soapbox
PPAs and the Master Narrative in Alberta

The American Press Institute (API) describes pack journalism,” now known as “the master narrative,” as a story line the press corps en masse is telling or repeating. The API warns that master narratives can become a “trap or rut” and that journalists will pick facts that illustrate the master narrative and ignore other facts. The leader of the pack. A classic example of “pack journalism” is Postmedia’s coverage of the NDP government’s decision to challenge the right of power xompanies to back out of their power purchase arrangements (PPAs). …

BC Injury Law and ICBC Claims Blog
Defense Expert Appointment Dismissed for “Waiting at their Peril”

Unpublished reasons for judgement were recently released by the BC Supreme Court, Victoria Registry, dismissing a defence application for an independent medical assessment for being brought too late in the process. In the recent case (Bains v. Antle) the Plaintiff was injured in a collision and sued for damages. The Defendant requested the Plaintiff to attend a 2 day Functional Capacity Assessment less than 84 days before trial. The Plaintiff refused and a court application to compel attendance was brought. …

*Randomness here is created by and its list randomizing function.

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