☀️ We Now Have Law Reviews on CanLII ☀️

It has been a long term goal for us to have a substantial collection of legal commentary on CanLII, so we are thrilled to be able to tell you about an expansion of CanLII’s secondary sources section to include law reviews.

Law reviews are often the only place a particular topic is discussed, and they often provide insight into the law for a particular jurisdiction where no one else does that make them invaluable for research.

In addition to being able to navigate within the commentary section by law review and issue, results from law review issues will appear in your search results. If all you want to see is commentary, you can limit your search results by clicking on the “Secondary sources” tab.

We would like to thank the generous contributors of content that will help enrich CanLII as a legal research tool. Here are the law reviews that are participating in our initial launch of this project:

Currently we have loaded them back to 2015, but more law reviews and additional years of coverage will be added over time. If you edit or publish a law journal you’d like to see on CanLII, please feel free to contact us. We’d love to hear from you! (feedback-form@canlii.org)

Thank you also goes out to the team at Lexum who have worked with us to make this happen.

In the editorial team, supervised by Frédéric Pelletier:

  • Maude Adam
  • Consiglia Capone
  • Claire-Marie Orhant

And on the tech side, working under the supervision of Francois Harvey:

  • Noreddine Ben Jillali
  • Valentin Bujanca
  • Patrick Bourdon

And of course Daniel Poulin who adds another feather to his hat as pioneer of open law.

If you’d like to share the news, here are some posters we welcome you to print and post (there are French versions on our blog here):


  1. David Collier-Brown

    Niced! As a non-lawyer nerd into public policy, law reviews are fun!

  2. Nice work CanLii!