
Monday’s Mix

Each Monday we present brief excerpts of recent posts from five of Canada’s award­-winning legal blogs chosen at random* from more than 80 recent Clawbie winners. In this way we hope to promote their work, with their permission, to as wide an audience as possible.

This week the randomly selected blogs are 1. SOQUIJ | Le Blogue 2.Robeside Assistance 3. Family LLB 4. Employment & Human Rights Law in Canada 5. PierreRoy & Associés

SOQUIJ | Le Blogue
Offre de services professionnels aux aînés et obligations déontologiques

De nombreux professionnels offrent leurs services à une clientèle âgée. Voici quelques exemples tirés de la jurisprudence où certains d’entre eux ont eu à répondre de leurs actes devant les conseils de discipline de leurs différents ordres professionnels, et ce, pour avoir été accusés d’infractions de natures diverses, qu’elles soient économiques, à caractère sexuel ou encore en lien avec la qualité de leurs services à l’endroit de patients ou de clients. …

Robeside Assistance
Introducing our New Library Name: The Gordon F. Henderson Library

The County of Carleton Law Association (CCLA) is pleased to announce the new name of their library. Thanks to the generous title-sponsor level contributions by Gowling WLG (Canada) to the CCLA Renovations Campaign, the CCLA Library will now proudly bear the name of The Gordon F. Henderson Library. Gordon F. Henderson CC QC (1912–1993) was an intellectual property lawyer …

Family LLB
Husband Ordered to Pay Wife $500 Per Day for His Continued Non-Disclosure

In the four years since the husband and wife embarked on their family litigation, the wife had obtained five separate orders to try to compel the husband to make full financial disclosure, as he was legally required to do. None of those netted the desire result in full; there were still many outstanding items, including the husband’s bank account statements, pension information, updated trading account statements, and credit card statements. …

Employment & Human Rights Law in Canada
What Happens to Vacation When an Employee is on a Leave?

Employers often have questions about what to do with vacation when an employee is on a leave. Do they still earn vacation time? Do they still get vacation pay even if they aren’t getting paid? Vacation is one of the trickiest employment standards, but we will shed some light into its dark corners in this post! …

PierreRoy & Associés
Vivre sans carte de crédit, c’est possible ?

Comme la plupart des consommateurs, vous pensez qu’avoir des cartes de crédit, c’est bien pratique. Pire encore, vous estimez peut-être que vivre sans elles est littéralement impossible ! Vraiment ? Rappel des dangers reliés à ces instruments de crédit et quelques conseils pour apprendre à vous en passer. …


*Randomness here is created by and its list randomizing function.

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