Privacy Commissioner of Canada Releases Consultation Paper on Cloud Computing

The Officer of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada has released a consultation paper on cloud computing.

Cloud computing “describes any system where information and/or applications are stored online, allowing access to be achieved by the user via a device.”

For example, cloud computing includes:

  • storing photos online on Flickr
  • uploading videos to YouTube
  • using online applications such as Google’s Docs or Google Reader
  • Facebook or Twitter
  • using webmail like Gmail or Hotmail
  • backing up files online

The Privacy Commissioner is interested in issues such as who has jurisdiction over cloud computing, security, data intrusions, lawful access, processing and misuse of data, data permanence and data ownership.

The paper released is part of a public consultation process on the impacts of cloud computing.

Members of the public have until April 15, 2010 to send in their comments.

Cross-posted to Library Boy.


  1. I think this is a much better definition of cloud computing:

    “Cloud computing is Internet-based computing, whereby shared resources, software and information are provided to computers and other devices on-demand, like a public utility.”

    Hotmail isn’t new, heck, neither are Flickr or Youtube. Cloud computing is different & Web 2.0 tools are getting more people to post more of their lives online.

    There are serious security issues with social networking sites. All of these sites have usage agreements that almost nobody reads. Certainly there are issues with what Google especially knows about us.

    However, it’s good to keep away from buzz words as they do cause confusion.