The eDiscovery Case Law Digest and Reading List Have Been Updated.
I’ve been updating the case law digest and the reading list in a process that resembles renovation, in that it is messy, you uncover a lot of broken material, and it takes twice as long as it should but the results are satisfying.
Both the case law digest and the reading list were neglected for about a year. I had been accumulating links in my bookmarks with the idea that some time soon I’d get around to doing something about it – and when I did, there were hundreds of links to sort through, discard, hunt down and write brief summaries for. So, here’s where we are.
The eDiscovery Case Law Digest – what’s NEW.
The digest was updated in two stages, the first time back in March and more recently earlier this month. New sections have been added to cover pleading practices, discovery planning, the application of the proportionality principle, discovery of social media and other internet sources, and admissibility and authentication of electronic evidence. Newly added decision summaries include deep links into the paragraphs in the decision dealing with the issue.
The eDiscovery Reading List – what’s NEW
Like the case law digest, the reading list has been through two updates. The current version is dated May 2nd and has been weeded of all broken links and older material. Some new links were added, as well as whole new sections on Social Networks and Discovery and Cloud Computing. The latest version, which is with LawPRO for loading onto the practicePRO website, contains all the new links as well as a whole new section on Authenticating Electronic Information.
As anyone who follows e-discovery knows, new material is published daily on the internet. For the most part, the material on the Reading List comes from courts, law societies and bar associations, law review journals, The Sedona Conference®, government agencies like NARA, legal technology industry analysts (Gartner, IDC, etc.), judicial committees, EDRM, ABA Law Practice Management and similar sources.
The Curator is on Twitter and will tweet new links as they appear, with the best being added to the list.
E-Discovery is becoming a more and more important subject to companies based outside the US but doing business with the US.
A specialized event will face important questions on this subject, please visit the following website for more details: