A Slaw Tips Milestone! Plus, a Call for New Tipsters

Today, Slaw Tips hit a remarkable milestone: one thousand tips!

Launched in 2011, the site’s very first tips dealt with turning off pop-up email notifications, finding moved web pages and preventing your firm’s star performers from being poached–all still relevant today.

Our current and past contributors are a talented team of practicing lawyers, librarians, consultants and entrepreneurs–smart folks who generously share their wisdom with our 15,000 monthly visitors.

We tip our hats (pun fully intended!) to all our past and present Tips authors: thank you for sharing your insight, skill, humour and enthusiasm with the Slaw community.

We’d also like to use the occasion to announce that we’re looking for more Tipsters!

Do you like to write and to share your knowledge and discoveries with others? Slaw Tips is looking for new contributors to write short tips in the area of law practice, technology, and research.

These tips should be short and sweet: “brief, clear, useful nuggets of advice” is how we describe them.

Tips are posted to Slaw Tips, featured in a weekly roundup on Slaw.ca, and publicized via Twitter and the Slaw Tips email subscription list.

Interested in coming on board as a Tips contributor? Please get in touch via the Slaw contact form.

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