If You Do Good Work, People Will Just Send You More Work, Right?
We have all heard that the reward for doing good work is more work but there are a lot of factors that contribute to a client sending you more work and for being a strong referral for you.
For starters, we need to understand that the client that sent you the work in the first place is not focused on you. They are focussed on their own business and their current issues. Hard to believe but it is true. By actively staying in front of your clients and empathizing with their needs, you will ensure they do think about you, at least once in a while.
Secondly, in professional services, we care about referrals. Having a network of highly skilled and adept individuals that you are willing to base your reputation on when passing along their name is key. This is not one or two people, it is a network of people. Maybe you don’t know the perfect tax lawyer but you do know someone that knows someone that would be perfect. Be a facilitator and help make the connections, it will come back to you.
Third, you need to make business relationships a priority. Lawyers that have been in practice for a long time know this and have developed a network over years. Younger lawyers need to put time in to building these relationships. Have a plan, focus on the right people and actively participate in building your network letting people know how you can help them. This will open you up for potential referrals or direct work.
Finally, consider how many times you are able to connect with a client throughout the year using all mediums available. Ask your client how they are doing, how their business is going, where they need help. Do good work, be memorable and add value.
To answer the initial question, yes if you do good work people will send you more work. But it is not that easy. Focus on your client and building relationships that will ensure they remember you when the time is right.
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