Canada’s online legal magazine.

Google Toolbar 4 (Beta). It’s New!

I’ve been giving the newest version of the Google Toolbar a spin and it has some nifty new features that I like.

Having used the Google Toolbar from the time it was introduced, I’ve come to rely heavily on it for quick internet searching but the unexpected bonus that has come with using it turns out to be impressing lawyers and staff! Often they’ll ask me some really simple question (though they don’t know it’s simple) and they’ll watch over my shoulder while I find their answer. Being able to quickly find their answers using the Google Toolbar has given . . . [more]

Posted in: Miscellaneous

BIALL Handbook Again

The new BIALL Handbook of Legal Information Management I blogged about recently was just placed in my hands today, thanks to the speedy work of Nick Pengelley. It’s not likely to benefit any Slawyer much — far too basic — and seems directed for the mostpart at information professionals (“IPs” I learn) who have recently turned to law.

But I did find two essays interesting, as a legal academic (“LA”?) who has recently turned to information management: “Knowledge Management” by Sue Doe, and “The Role of Taxonomies in Legal Knowledge Management Systems” by Christine Miskin. The KM piece shunned any . . . [more]

Posted in: Miscellaneous

Microsoft’s Policy Re Restrictions on Blogs

Microsoft today outlined a new policy framework for content access to its popular blogging and personal publishing service, MSN Spaces. It also called for broad dialogue to produce a set of principles to guide practices in this area.

Speaking before a conference of government officials and community leaders in Lisbon, Portugal, Microsoft Senior Vice President and General Counsel Brad Smith reaffirmed the company’s commitment to blogging as an important vehicle for sharing of information and ideas, and outlined the policy framework that would guide Microsoft in dealing with government orders related to blog content:

  • Explicit standards for protecting content access:
. . . [more]
Posted in: Miscellaneous

Information in Context

“Information in context” is the simplest way to describe our firm’s new portal. There are a variety of contexts – personal pages, practice areas, library services, a learning centre, firm services and departments and clients and matters. Our portal is highly integrated with a number of firm applications, including our document management system and our accounting system. Users access all of their applications and all on-line services from the portal (the portal is the new firm desktop – on the screen 24/7).

I was particularly interested in figuring out how to integrate “external” information into our portal pages. Before tackling . . . [more]

Posted in: Miscellaneous

Information Seminars in Toronto of Interest to SLAWyers

I apologize that this post is focused on Toronto-based readers of SLAW, but I thought some of you might be interested in the various seminars being put on by the Faculty of Information Studies from time to time. Their upcoming seminar sounds interesting:

“Weblogs & Libraries: Communication, Conversation and the Blog People”
Date: Thursday, February 2nd, 2006
Time: 4:15-5:15 pm
Place: Bissell building, 140 St. George Street, Room 728 . . . [more]

Posted in: Miscellaneous

Microsoft IE With RSS

Microsoft has released a public beta of IE 7 with RSS built-in.

Robert Scoble has a video interview with IE Team about it, and the comments on Dave Winer’s WordPress Blog will be worth watching.

I haven’t installed it (and not sure if I will), but did do the online tour if that counts. :-) The thing I’m excited about is the mainstream marketing towards the ‘average joe’ RSS consumer. This should make things easier. . . . [more]

Posted in: Miscellaneous

Palestinian Law

Having been reading so much lately about the recent Palestinian elections I tried this morning to see what legal material the Authority had on the Web. I went to Google of course first and looked for the Web-sites of both the Palestinian Authority and Hamas (idly wondering of course whether any of W’s troops were monitoring). Neither appear to have anything much in the way of legislative, court or general government information. The Authority Web site has a lot on the peace process and basic documents, UN resolutions and so forth, but not what you’d usually expect from a government . . . [more]

Posted in: Miscellaneous

Blawg Review: the Hitchhikers Guide to the Blawgosphere

Blawg Review, the self-professed “Carnival of Law Bloggers” features law blog reviews by a changing kaleidoscope of reviewers. In the current issue, Chicago IP lawyer and blogger Kevin A. Thompson, has just posted a fantastic review of law blogs using Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy as the model, hosted on his blog Cyberlaw Central. See what is reviewed under Arthur Dent, Babel Fish, Ford Prefect, and all the rest! Under The Vogons, we even see Patrick Cormier’s recent Slaw post The Uneasy Lawyer and IT Dialogue from Jan. 25/06 mentioned while he’s off somewhere in the sun . . . [more]

Posted in: Miscellaneous

Law and the Baby Singularity

Ray Kurzweil’s very much in the air lately. He’s the MIT prof and former successful businessman who has written The Singularity Is Near: When Humans Transcend Biology in which he argues that information technology will overtake us and remove distinctions between human being and machine, and together with other advancing technologies, this leap will ensure us all a rosy future. (He’s not the first by any means to promise that accelerating change will at some point tip over into something completely different and liberating: older readers may have heard of the Roman Catholic priest and paleontologist Teilhard de Chardin who . . . [more]

Posted in: Miscellaneous

The Future of Google

In addition to its dumb list, Business 2.0 has a smart list this morning, on which Google is the smartest company with four provocative scenarios for the future of Google:

In the first, Google is the Media, Google becomes the media powerhouse and ends up with Pulitzer Prizes as the company capitalizes on Google TV, Google Mobile, and the rise of e-paper. The second is Google as the Internet, in which Free Wi-Fi, a faster version of the Web, the Gbrowser, and the Cube transform the technology landscape and the language. The third is the pessimist’s scenario . . . [more]

Posted in: Miscellaneous

From Business 2.0’s Dumbest Moments in Business 2005: The Legal List

Today’s Business 2.0 has its list of the follies of last year, in which I’m delighted to say that the legal fraternity have maintained their places of honour. And Google made the list twice. You can find the full list here, but to whet your appetite:

2. Investment bank error in your favor. Collect an additional $1.43 billion.
The judge in billionaire Ronald Perelman’s lawsuit against Morgan Stanley, exasperated by the latter’s delays in handing over documents, instructs jurors to assume that the firm committed fraud. The bank insists it isn’t stonewalling, just running into technology glitches. The jury . . . [more]

Posted in: Miscellaneous