The Friday Fillip

This fillip goes all red and white For Canada Day… But lots of places do the red and white thing, it turns out. Humph!

Designer Shahee Ilyas has analysed the world’s flags and has represented them all as pie charts of colour, with the wedges accurately describing the area of the flag so coloured. Below you’ll see the flags of sixteen countries rounded out, so to speak, that I’ve pulled from Ilyas’s work. Canada is in there somewhere. Can you spot it by colour or proportion? This is the true patriot challenge. (And no peeking at the source code.)

1. ALT 2. ALT 3. ALT 4. ALT
5. ALT 6. ALT7. ALT 8. ALT
9. ALT10.ALT 11.ALT 12.ALT
13.ALT 14.ALT 15.ALT16.ALT


   I’ve made my guess: hit me with the facts.

And, because it’s a tradition here at Slaw, we present once again The (nothing to do with Canada, but even so…) Maple Leaf Rag, as played by our own Ted Tjaden. (I tell you, we’re pretty self-reliant here in Slawland.) As always, listen proudly.

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