Waiting for a Canadian Citer

Michael Lines previously mentioned Jureeka, the web browser extension that links to legal material online, which can only be used with Firefox and Chrome.

Cornell law has launched a similar extension called Citer, but allows integration with IE, Safari, and Opera as well.

Bonnie Shucha explains how it works,

With Citer, you select an area of text on a web site that contains the cite you would like to look up, click a button in the browser bookmark linkbar, and Citer will attempt to transfer you to a page containing the content.

Jureeka is a little different in that it actually turns the citation into a live link which you simply click on to take you to a page containing the content.

Although there are plans to include state courts and possibly even legal journals, there is no indication that Canadian sources will be included in Citer yet. For me, the ability to choose when to activate Citer is an advantage over Jureeka’s automatically converting links within a page. I’ll be waiting.


A reader contacted me with this:

Reflex – CanLII citator

Reflex is the CanLII citator. The Reflex-API allows you to hyperlink your documents to legal information freely published on CanLII by automatically adding hyperlinks to case law and legislation available online.


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