Upcoming CBA Webconference: Trends in Law Practice Management – Calculating the Risks

Trends in Law Practice Management – Calculating the Risks

“Trends in Law Practice Management – Calculating the Risks” will be
presented on Feb. 28, 2012, by the CBA’s Legal Profession Assistance Conference, the Canadian Lawyers Insurance Association and the National Law Practice Management and Technology Section live via webconference.

The advantages of cloud computing, virtual or online law practices and unbundling of legal services are getting a lot of press – convenience to clients, reduced overhead expenses, remote access, and enhanced access to justice are among the benefits touted. But there are also very real and practical risks, and ethical implications, for each new tool or practice implemented. As these trends infiltrate legal practice in North America, lawyers and law firm leaders need to exercise due diligence to assess the potential risks and benefits.

Our panelists, Nicole Garton-Jones and David Bilinsky will provide a practical overview of these trends in law practice management. In doing so, they’ll provide you with tools to reduce the risk and identify the questions you need to ask yourself, as well as potential third party service providers, your insurers and your law society, when conducting your own risk-benefit analysis.

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