Canada’s online legal magazine.

Archive for August, 2014

Summaries Sunday: SOQUIJ

Every week we present the summary of a decision handed down by a Québec court provided to us by SOQUIJ and considered to be of interest to our readers throughout Canada. SOQUIJ is attached to the Québec Department of Justice and collects, analyzes, enriches, and disseminates legal information in Québec.

DROITS ET LIBERTÉS : Un homme de race noire s’étant vu refuser l’accès à une boîte de nuit reçoit une indemnité de 5 000 $ pour les dommages moraux subis ainsi que 1 000 $ à titre de dommages exemplaires.

Intitulé : Commission des droits de la personne et des . . . [more]

Posted in: Summaries Sunday

Summaries Sunday: Maritime Law Book

Summaries of selected recent cases are provided each week to Slaw by Maritime Law Book. Every Sunday we present a precis of the latest summaries, a fuller version of which can be found on MLB-Slaw Selected Case Summaries at

This week’s summaries concern:
Labour Law / Civil Rights / Criminal Law / Constitutional Law / Indians, Inuit and Métis

Labour Law 

Summary: On April 29, 2005, Wal-Mart Canada Corp. (Wal-Mart) closed its store in Jonquière, Quebec. The closure, which had been announced the

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Posted in: Summaries Sunday

Tips for Graduating Lawyers

The academic year ended a few weeks ago and as I wrote my regular farewell note to the finalists, I started to muse on the information related facts I hope they carry with them into their academic, professional and online lives post Oxford.

Here is a list I made in my head. I have added hints/links to some points that might be useful for SLAW readers. If you have other golden rules to add to this list, please do. BTW, I use the term ‘Wexis’ to denote commercial legal databases, and not to promote one over another!

  1. Sometimes there just
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Posted in: Legal Information

The Friday Fillip: Ado About Achoo

Ah— ah— ah— achoo!

That’s how we sneeze. (Or fnese, as old English once had it, back when we had “fn” as an initial consonant cluster.)

If we were Polish, however, we’d sneeze “a-psik!” and if Japanese then “hakushon!” And, curious fact, if we were deaf we’d sneeze with no sound at all, revealing that the loud part of this reflex is not reflexive at all but learned.

Reflexes. Wikipedia lists nearly forty of them. They’re helpful short circuits in our neural system, sending signals to the spinal cord, whence action signals are relayed back in what’s known . . . [more]

Posted in: The Friday Fillip